Sunday, February 12, 2012

WOW! intervention update

So I drove home with ART! in throwies on my hood. I parked in my normal spot at my apartment building and decided to leave the throwies on the car overnight and put them up in the morning. Today I was leaving the apartment thinking how I still had to clean them off the car before I got on the highway cause I wasnt sure they would stay put at 80 mph. I walk outside and lock the door and there is a group of maybe 8 kids playing outside a ways from me and I hear them say something to the effect of " its the lady we took..." and they all take off, running around the corner of a building. I get to my car to see that there isn't a SINGLE throwie left! Something tells me they had a little something to do with that. LOL! As I was pulling out I saw them peeking around the side of the building at me and a little boy, maybe about 3 yrs old started running circles with a throwie in his hand! Little do they know that they saved me the time and trouble of cleaning them up!!!!

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