So I played around the code again and again and I got it working for the forth time. I wasnt getting my hopes up though since the other 3 times it worked, it stopped. After loading different code and reloading the working code it still worked and after powering down and back up it still worked!!! FINALLY! So Willie drew out a solder plan and I helped him solder wires to the breadboard. When it was test time....... it didnt work. We checked all the wiring and it was fine and we reset the arduino and still it didnt work. I was about to give up on this code again when Willie figured it out. When he held down the reset button and connected the wireless nunchuk before releasing the reset button it worked just fine. So, the nunchuk must be initiated before the program starts running.
With this information, its clear that I need a momentary push button switch for a reset button and a toggle switch for an on/off button. I also need something to make the doll more rigid to mount the servo.
Next step is to get the new materials I need and start puting the hardware in the doll.
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